View From the Pew | March 30, 2021


I Like Sermons

Make you think of your own personal life relating to what God would want us to be like in our daily walk with Him. Not a guilt trip, but encouragement.  We need to hear the Law, but the Gospel as well!  

Attraction to a Congregation

The main attraction is music in its entirety–choirs, bell, organ, special musicians.  To me it’s at the top of the list of what I look for in a church service. I also appreciate our pastor who is not only gifted in the pulpit but is a true shepherd of his flock.  My wife and I drive 25 miles to our church because of those things I have listed.  

Best Worship Experience

Having my children Baptized.

Norman Finfrock, Norman is from the Denver area.  He has attended congregations of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod all his life.

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